Products 6702

Month Modern Hebrew Hindu Italian Arabic Zodiac
January Garnet Ruby Garnet Jacinth Garnet Garnet, amethyst, moss agate, opal and sugilite
February Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, jade, rock crystal, and sapphire
March Aquamarine Jasper Bloodstone Bloodstone Jasper Bloodstone, diamond
April Diamond, white topaz, cubic zirconia Sapphire Diamond Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire, amber, coral, emerald, rose quartz, and turquoise.
May Emerald Agate Pearl Agate Agate Agate, chrysoprase, citrine, moonstone, pearl and white sapphire
June Pearl and moonstone Emerald Pearl Agate Carnelian Emerald, moonstone, pearl, and ruby
July Ruby Onyx Sapphire Onyx Carnelian Onyx, carnelian, sardonyx, golden topaz, and tourmaline
August Peridot Carnelian Ruby Carnelian Sardonyx Carnelian, jade, jasper, moss agate, and blue sapphire.
September Sapphire Chrysolite Zircon Carnelian Chrysolite Chrysolite (peridot), lapis lazuli, opal, peridot.
October Opal and tourmaline Aquamarine Coral Beryl Aquamarine Beryl, apache tear, aquamarine, coral, obsidian, topaz.
November Yellow topaz and citrine Topaz Cats eye Topaz Topaz Topaz, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, and turquoise
December Blue topaz, turquoise, and tanzanite Ruby Topaz Ruby Ruby Ruby, agate, garnet, and black onyx